Thursday, April 07, 2005

I'm Not Used to Using the Bathroom This Much

Got a break at school and decided to update. I've been drinking water like crazy over the past few days.(Hence the tactful title...Alliteration!) Picked up a sinus infection friday and the meds make me mad-thirsty. Plus I'm having to keep my throat wet for all the singing I do in Fiddler on the Roof. Yeah this whole me sick and with no voice thing and the fact that I'm the lead, has kinda been a scary to uh...let's see...everyone in the play. SO yeah. Another thing that's not cool about this whole me sick thing is that I had to spend 4 dollars at Wal*Mart this morning on cough drops to soothe my throat and clear it of the gunk clogging it. GUNK. That's such a disgusting word. Sorry. Oh yeah! Our first performance of Fiddler is tonight. We have one on friday night and two on saturday. So I would appreciate the prayer of anyone who sees this that I don't go hoarse in the middle of "If I Were a Rich Man." Also that this play doesn't suck because we are completely sold out of tickets! That's crazy and a first for Providence Theater. Oh yeah and if anyone wants to expand thier mind, my old teacher Mr. Smith just put up a new site that I'm incredibly stoked
Okay, well now that you're filled in about all the trite things going on with me, stay tuned for some cooler stuff: I got a poem I wanna put up tomorrow so...
Good Providence


Anonymous said...

umm.......ok. Just wanted to say again what am awesome job you did last night. you are my favorite jewish magician. very ....creative poetry.keep up the good art.

Anonymous said...

if this is who I believe it is.... how did you find the site and I'm thankful that you found it. I'm glad that you've heard these things that are up here. do me a favor and never stop dropping by. and never become a

Anonymous said...

just saw you name on the comments of another blog. so, take everything I said at the end and multiply the sincerity of it by a million fold. especailly the stranger part.

Wayne Grayson said...

I was soo nieve...