Sunday, May 08, 2005

Fake Eiffel Towers Await...

Here's my latest piece...enjoy.

Fake Eiffel Towers Await...

Running Late...

I'm being fitted for my black and white,
(for about the third time now)
so I can look presentable for her.
A new skin that I will shed,
once the memories are captured.

(It's not me...but I'll wear it just to see her smile.)

She's no you.
And I'm thankful.
When we dance...

I'll bet she moves too.



Arms spread.
Praoudly displaying my wingspan...
(with you my hands stayed in my pockets...
searching them for a pick to your heart...)
I hear the faint noise of the last line between us...


Your name appears in the porthole,
and slowly is swallowed by blue.

And in about three seconds,
I imagine your voice explaining...

"I've had a(nother) change in heart..."

Don't Start.
(Keep Talking...)

And the resurrection of these dreams I've had...
of slowly killing your hope.
Are silenced by a fast heartbeat and


Unsure of yourself,
(you always were)
Your studdered first word,
(your very own)
is proceded by a self-petrifying proposal.
(worst enemy)

A meeting on your side of the walls.

Your walls...
(I was only renting space.)

Your safety...
(And you're thinking of moving away?)

That'll be the day.

I'm always signing treaties


Is everything okay...?

You always called with bad news.

And I always took your punches with a naive stomach.

Anger intensifies as I glare out of the windsheild.
(I'm finally behind the steering wheel.)

(By God)

Opening doors
(So this is what you see when you see the inside...)

Your face...
Thinner than I remember.

(Perception brought us here.
Did you expect me stop?)

Did you think a lack of words would keep me from reading?

You never would....let me....


Behind a messy desk.
Papers piled as high as my old hopes.
You'd love me to think it belongs to you.

"College is so crazy."

seeing you...the "really you"... makes me think

...So was I.

I nearly died for something that fills its schedule to keep its mind off of how much beauty it lacks.

You know, even if you never lied to ME...
You shouldn't trust yourself.
(Take every word you say to you
as a dagger pointed at your heart...)

Too late...

Just waiting for the blade to fall...

Your words are like the cliche line in a lovely movie.


So here I am explaining words you'll NEVER understand to you...

While your selfish desire screams for me to go ahead and say

(i never did)

My calm and collected manner reminds you of my handle on the situation...
and others...

Anger spread across your face and you slit the throat of contemplation...

(Like murdering a wet crime scene...)

Fists slam in the middle of your busy life...

"Quit justifying your side of things!"

Oh come on.

Are you really going to cry?

Well... now we're both drowning.
You, in the self-pity falling from your own two eyes.
And me...
In regret.

('re schedule's getting wet.)

And in between your gasps for breath You managed a few words.

"What you said offended me.
I just wanted to bring you closure."

Excuse me if I forgot that everything was about you...

You'd think after a year and a half of that, I'd begin to comprehend...

And excuse me when I beg to differ from your definition of closure.

Closure comes as you walk out of the door.
Not when you're getting in your car.
And the door's begging for your attention.
As you're concentrating on your keys.
For you to notice...
That it's closing.


See what you're doing (did)
is searching me for the scars I bear form putting up with you.
The gunshot wounds and gashes that only knives can stand to do.

Who taught you how to shoot?

Well instructed...

It's easy to say that you're easy target practice
after all the thin skinned things you've done.

Maybe If I can make you hate me...
That's when you'll leave me alone.

Or call this gunfight a draw...


(puns can be deadly in the correct situations)

So you talk and talk and I grip this chair harder than it ever has been...

(How's that for a foundation?)

As you moan and groan about how we're basicly forever connected...
What a sad way to exist.

I won't be another you.

Stop right there.
I've had enough.

This awkward silence is all that I have to say.

"Do think that you have closure?"

Let's see what the soor has to say...

Don't let it hit you in the face.

There you have it. A little angry no? Well, hope you like. Fill up that comment space and I will see talk to you all after the Cruise. Fiddler Fam: HAVE FUN IN ORLANDO! DON'T RUN MR. WILSON TO DEATH! I won't be there to keep you all you all settled...
Anyway, have a great week every one. I'm headed to Cozumel! Finally!

Via con dios y
buenos providencia!


Anonymous said...

"Stop justifying your position"
I love that line, so sad yet so hilarious. I'll think I'll keep this one anomymous :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey dude
seen you in cupla plays anfd dances with my ppl. wundered if u wannat to do vocals andsome writin with a new group. aint intrested in all the jesus stuff here this post showed we could trus you not to bring abuncha church junk you msusta just needed to put that other s_ to joke aroun maybe you wuz tryin ti convert sumbdy lol
will check you later here

Wayne Grayson said...

to those who left the post about being in a new group...gimmie some more information