Sunday, July 03, 2005

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Check it Out!

Hey everybody!

Um...I was like digging around in like my like old notebook that I started like writing in a few years ago an I found this...

The Forecast in My Room

I've long awaited winter's cold.
Since the last time I took off my sweater.
(warmth shed for heat)


It's back and all it does
Is remind me of all the snow I've missed

It's been a while since I've tasted snow.
Or smiled like I have with it here.

I'm starting to lose faith in the season(s).

Do they change?

Can I handle it?

How would I know?

My bed has become too comfortable.
This pen like a staple in the bone of my hand....

(It hurts..)

The mirror reflects someone I don't know...
But wow...
he sure looks familiar.

pictures stuck in corners
of my room
think it funny that I'll never be there again.
(like that)

I should've hung them better.

A year and half brings on more change than you'd think...

Especially at this age.
(How would I know.)

I'm staring into dark where
There used to be a sense of light.


I don't have to see it...

I just wanna feel it warm my eyes...

I know I'm going to miss this.

Well, that's it.

You know what to do...leave a message.



Brianna said...

Not sure what's up with all the like's or the reference to the Beastie Boys, but the poem was fanstastic. For some reason I really related to it, like a lot. A lot of my older stuff sounds remarkably just like that, so I guess that was what made it easy to related to. I really liked the part about the mirror, and being so different, but at the same time feeling familiar. I loved it, absolutely loved it. And you. Tata!

matthew said...

I like, loved the beep. it was like, so funny that you would like, put it in there like that.

i loved the poem too. lol