by The Starting Line
I've never been so happy
to see a photograph of me
then when graced with your company.
You're making a small change to the way
that you wear your heart.
I like it better...I like it... I like it better now
I'll swing from a streetlight
as I will sing oh, oh, oh
I'm stuck in the meantime
but we're so oh, oh, oh close
The sunlight's overwhelming the scene
that's composed of you and me in our finest moment.
An amazing illusion was made with trick photography
it seems like you're really...you're really...
it seems like you're really here.
I'll swing from a streetlight
as I will sing oh, oh, oh
And I'm stuck in the meantime
but we're so oh, oh, oh close
I'm grilled by a spotlight
And sing oh, oh, oh
we're still in the meantime
but we're oh so, oh so close.
I'll swing from a streetlight
and sing oh, oh, oh
And I'm stuck in the meantime
but we're so oh, oh, oh close
we're so close.
we're so close.
We'll talk.
uh oh, what does we'll talk mean?
brianna, anything you need to say to wayne you can say in front of me.
or me?
at least wayne has a girlfriend that's more than i can say for some of you that have posted some of the stupid comments on here.and for the other stupid one,im sure when he does get married im sure he wont spend every weekend at his little brother's apartment on a campus of a school he doesn't even go to, playing video games and online poker. get a life.
oh wow...umm. I was responding to wayne in a way that he responded to me on a different post. I love the post he did, and him. Very much. I didn't realize that it could be read that way.
I just wanted to put up a poem to my girlfriend and look what happens. Fights break out between people who put up anonymous names therefore completely defeating the whole purpose of arguing becuase what is the point if you dont know who you are arguing with? Anonymous names ARE STUPID and this is getting way out of hand...Be a man (or woman) and put your real names up here!
Oh yeah...and how bout actually commenting on MY POSTS for a change?
I love the post. There. Again. And you. Again. MWAH!
aaaaawwwwwww......sweet!!!...for real it is....its a cute picture!!!!
hi wayne. here's a friendly response from a friendly auburn fan who is your friend. we cool right? lol.
and i agree on all the gay anonymous comments!
Hey, come on everybody, things are getting out of hand, and peoples feelings are going to get hurt...
i'll tell you whose feeling got hurt...
that would be Georgia Tech's Basketball Team!!!!!
sorry and yeah
you wouldnt know about that song if it werent for me
so all who read this post should thank me...
thank me by watching michigan state's basketball team
This is for the person who commented on my going to visit my brother-in-law in Auburn. First off I would like to say that I meant no harm toward Wayne or Brianna. I was simply making a joke. I thought it was kind of funny the way she phrased her comment. A lot of times in relationships on T.V. when someone says we need to talk it means something bad needs to be discussed. So I didn't mean any harm. Secondly, I would like to address the comments made by this person. I enjoy spending time with my family. I like going to Auburn football games. Is the year now 7 weekends long? That is how many weekends I went down to Auburn. What business is it of yours what I do when I spend time with my family? Are you actually saying that I am a loser or don't have a life because I go to visit my brother-in-law and sister in Auburn? What were you doing on Thanksgiving? I'm guessing you were with your family. Does that make you a loser? I like going out with my wife and spending time with my 11 month old son. Does that make me even more of a loser? Telling me to get a life because I spend time with family? You are totally classless! Let me tell you about the life I have. I have a college degree from Auburn University, a wife, and a child. I once saved the life of a 40 year old mother of 4 when I was in nursing school. The doctor wrote down the wrong information in the chart and I stopped the patient from being given a lethal dose of medication. Man it really sounds like I don't have a life. I really haven't made a difference have I. Let me ask you. What exactly have you done that makes you so much better than me? You've got a lot of nerve to make such comments. I didn't think I needed to put my name by my comment because it was lighthearted in my opinion. However, I'm not afraid to say who I am. I'm Nathan Wingard. My address is 3533 Grand Rock Circle, Birmingham, AL. If you have a problem with me I would be more than happy to discuss it with you in person. I can only tell you that I recommend you don't insult me or my family again, or I will meet you. I know the purpose for this website, and I am sorry Wayne that there has been this recent uproar between bloggers. However, when someone is so classless and immature as to insult someone and their family, it has to be addressed. I'd like to know who wrote it, but more importantly I'd like to know that this sort of thing won't happen again on the site.
ummm... wow. I loved ur poem like usual wayne, and I loved the photo more.
Dearest Nate Nate a.k.a Captain America,
Well I see that you remembered your name this time.
To start, you could have saved yourself the humiliation that you were just served by not making the stupid commments that you made prior to this one. Some of us that read this blog don't want to read your badgering and inpertinent comments. And to address your joke, it wasn't funny. To anyone.
Except to one of YOUR lapdogs.
First, I would like to say that my comments didn't have quite the impact that I had planned on. See I meant to burn not only you but everyone of your little cronies or boyfriends or whatever you call them. So I think that you took what I said too personally. Becuase hey "I didn't mean any harm."
Second, yes I like spending time with my family. But I don't use them as an excuse to watch football games. That's just sad man. Then in turn, I don't organize a pathetic little gang to go and ruin a perfectly good blog and leave stupid and disruptive comments.
Third, wow. I liked how you threw in the whole "My life has meaning becuase I saved someone's life." story. Seriously, what was I thinking telling a Male Nurse to get a life? And at what point did I say that I was better than you? None. I was just telling you to shut up.
And finally, I thought you'd like to know that I don't feel that I have to leave my name either because all of this is light hearted discussion right? I mean I got no problem with you. What I do have a problem with is people who think they're smarter than everyone else. That's what you are. For instance, the whole super hero reference wasn't enough, you also had to add that you're a college graduate. YAY! You know stuff. But you never learned when to shut up. So I decided to bring you down from your pedestal of anonymity that you had enjoyed for so long.
Happy landing.
hahahaha, for real!
Can't we all just get along? Its christmas time people...
Oh....... I have been humbled. By someone who I so scared of me that all he can do is throw down condemnation with complete anonymity. Does that make you a man? Does that make you anything more than spineless? I do appreciate the reference to me being Captain America. However, I do wish you hadn’t blown my cover. I’ll have to come up with a new alter ego now. What kind of education do you have Boy Wonder? First you say you have no problem with me, then in the next sentence you say you do. Care to give us a complete thought? I guess it is just easier to swim in your ignorance when people don’t know who you are. Man, talk about pedestals. I’m surprised you decided to come low enough to even grace me with your wisdom. I’m not trying to give you my resume or get a position working for you in heaven. However, when someone tells me to get a life, I guess I just want to rebut what is being said about me. I don’t care what other people on this site think. I don’t know any of them. So who cares? I do know though that if someone has a problem with how I am with my family then perhaps we should meet and clear up any confusion. You need to chill out my friend, go work out, go drink a beer, go play your harp. Oh, and by the way……. of course I am smarter than you. You are from Dothan correct?
Hey Wayne! Wow, i just wanted to say hi, hmm, you sure do know how to make people mad! j/k, this is all craziness. Anyway, Merry Christmas! Oh yea- Don't you have a birthday comin' up soon?
And to the anonymous person, you are getting annoying, and this other guy, if you don't care about what other people think, then LET IT GO!!!! I do have to say, being from Dothan has nothing to do with being smart, or other wise, so please don't get me started on that, no I am going to let that go, like ya'll should do. Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!
Oh yea - That's a cute picture!!
Isn't your entire wifes immediate family from Dothan?
Actually to be precise, they hail from: Tallahassee, Dothan, Houston, Slidell, and Huntsville. Thank you for your interest Brianna.
I was born in Tallahassee!
WOW! Mr. anonymous and captain america must be VERY mature people, after all they are arguing over whose life sucks the most!
I was born close to Houston!
and i think Nate is a cool guy.
He gave us money.
Thanks Nate.
and didnt alabama disappoint everyone tonite?
sorry i thought i would add that.
hey wayne, it seems like you dont even have a blog anymore.
You know I feel bad that I can't leave you a page of pointless commenting to wayne, but the truth is, I have things to do.
Next time your in D-town give me a call.
sorry, i accidentally typed in my aol screenname.
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