Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I Made A Promise I Couldn't Refuse

Hey everybody.

Sorry but contrary to what I said there won't be a report on Narnia...

Unitl I see it again.

For me to in any way start to write about the GLORY that I saw the first time I HAVE TO SEE IT AGAIN. Which I will in a few days when I head home.

Everyone, I ask that you do me a HUGE favor and pray for me because tomorrow, (Thursday) I have two really hard finals. Western Civ and Mass Communication. I will be so glad when I'm done but I will appreciate some prayer.

I'm coming home Friday around noon so I'll be in town from about 4 that afternoon til about the 9th (I think) of January.


Before I forget....


Yeah, check it out and see if you like the color scheme.

Anyway...Mass Com book awaits...

College is soooo....


Good Providence


Brianna said...

Because I can't comment on the xanga. I'll leave it here. It's scary over there, it's so big and scary. And those colors remind me of Danielle's Alabama shirt she got for family weekend that she now uses as a sleep shirt and to paint in. Oh well. Nice picture.

matthew said...

According to facebook, tomorrow is your BIRTHDAY!

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

you sir are a lazy blogger. post more often