Sunday, May 08, 2005

A State of Giddy

Has anyone ever noticed that milk tastes better from the jug?

It does...Way better. I reccomend it when your mom's not around.

Saw that movie Hitch tonight...not only funny but remarkably emo. Alot of cool lines in it. I definately reccomend it. It makes a good date movie.

Scratch that.... Great date movie. :)

The Cruise is MONDAY.

I don't know if I can make it another day. It's going to be great.

Especially now... :)

Well, that's it I guess...Everybody give your momma a big hug for me...seriously do something weird like say:" That hug was from Wayne."

"Who's Wayne?"

"My hero."

Don't say the last part... If you do... something horribly wrong has happened to your standards that determine heroes in your mind...Superman is a far better hero...Even Underdog...

Anyway....Poem tomorrow... Cross my heart...

Good Providence


Brianna said...
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Brianna said...


Anonymous said...

Chris, central park is definately worth your time.

Wayne Grayson said...

If you havent heard DMB chicago...youre doing your self a disservice...