Friday, October 14, 2005

Stained Glass Procession Part 1

Yay.Finally we return to the original purpose of this site: ART. Excuse the football hype, but I can't help being excited for the Tide. So here's the poem that seemed like its existence was merely a lie I formulated to keep you people reading. SORRY. Anyway, like I said, it's long, and you probably won't read it all unless I do it in installments, so here's the first of I think four. One a week for four weeks. Enjoy.

Stained Glass Procession

So the script had finally been written,
(but it would be years until)
the story would take place.

(but camera shy)
the actors were through with playing roles,
finished with the salary of the studio life,
and ready to leave Beverly Hills.


The script of a lifetime

had fallen

into their laps.

The reading came easy.
Familiar were the pages' corners.
(Fingertips used to papercuts...)
Future paragraphs
became predictable partners in crime.

(Loaded guns will go unused
'cause here we fight with words.)

But memorization,
that's always been another story.
(We're best friends with the author.)

And some how,
some miraculous way,
everything would depend on how well
they could recite a message they could never understand.

Plus this time it would be different.
This time the terror and the tension of a theater
and its audience
would replace the safety and countless takes of the studio
and its cameras.

But enough with prologues.....

Rehearsals began in a fashion that was nothing short of processed.
Walk like this.
Talk when needed.
And most importantly,
Always listen.
'Cause most actors simply recite what they've learned.
But every bit of this
is a game of comprehension and response.
The better players,
to expel their selfish conversation,
talk to themselves,
and at times,they pray.

(This could all fall apart.)

So all they're left with is simply
"I'm sorry, how can I help?"
and never
"This one time I..."

The script doesn't call fot reflection,
only facing the right direction.
And that'll never be back or down.
Always forward and up....

So there's part one.
Let me know what you think and be sure to come back every Friday for the new installment. Ok. Go ahead. Comment your hearts out.
Love you guys.

Good Providence.


matthew said...


Why did I tell you to wait, why?!?

oh well.

great stuff wayne, and I think I see what your talking about and what else your talking about by talking about it. But, I want to read the rest before I make my call.

Till then.

Brianna said...

You're so mean to not give me a hint. Ugh...I guess there really are no perks to being the girlfriend in this case. Oh well, I guess I can wait with everyone else and see if I'm right about what I think it is. Jeepers.