Tuesday, June 28, 2005

HAHA...Duh Right?

Reformed Evangelical. You are a Reformed Evangelical. You take the Bible very seriously because it is God's Word. You most likely hold to TULIP and are sceptical about the possibilities of universal atonement or resistible grace. The most important thing the Church can do is make sure people hear how they can go to heaven when they die.

Reformed Evangelical




Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan




Neo orthodox


Classical Liberal




Roman Catholic


Modern Liberal


What's your theological worldview?
created with QuizFarm.com

Monday, June 27, 2005

Chill Out Wayne...Jeez...


Has it really gotten this bad?

Sitting in Church today I witnessed a man who doesn't even go to my church (we brought him in) perform an offeratory that was nothing short of angering.


He "performed" the Sarah MacLachlan song "In the Arms of the Angel"....

Wait...you don't remember that being a worship song or a song with any exclusive Christian truth in it at all?


It's a song about a crack addict.

Well, to give him the benefit of the doubt, I guess you could argue that he didn't sing "In the Arms of the Angel". Not exactly. No, actually, he did a completely different song. It's just that that completely different song happened to have the same tune and music as "In the Arms of the Angel" and many of the same words of the song as well. But instead of being "In the Arms of the Angel" we are now, "In the Arms of the Savior".

That's right.

We've officially run out of ideas.

One day, someone actually said: " You know I really like that Sarah MacLachlan song "In the Arms of the Angel" but...something's missing. Oh yeah! My "religion" isn't shoved into certain convenient places."

Maybe I wouldn't have been as mad if they had completely re-written the song, or sang the original. But they tweaked it so that it was "just" acceptable for Church by throwing in a Jesus or a lamb here in there.

"But wait," thought said tweaker, "isn't this copywright infringement?...No...haha. I'm sure Sarah meant "In the Arms of the Savior", I'm just clarifying it."

Maybe I'm going too far.(Apologies for all who think I am.) But how a person can regard something like this as worshipful is beyond me. It's not worshipful because you're using a piece of art, or self-expression, that wasn't intended to worship God with and through changing the words you are therefore forcing the real creator of the piece to worship. This is insincere worship, unoriginal worship, and overall un-passionate worship. (maybe that's a word...)

And maybe I'm foolish for freaking out about this like I am, but I'm sick and tired of watching, my faith hide under the guise of "religion" or even worse "Christianity", be so ashamed of itself that even when we are within the walls of out own Sanctuaries we have to wear the mask of Secular society. Even in Sanctuary we have become so obsessed with being acceptable to everyone's taste or "cool buds" on the worldly tongues that we have all developed, and falling into the very trap that Secular society has set that is: our being completely uncomfortable with the fact that WE HAVE PURPOSE IN LIFE. That we AREN'T like THEM and their acceptance of having no purpose and being cool, while we are considered "weird" and know TRUE love.

Brothers and sisters,

We ARE weird.
We Are different.
We ARE NOT cool.


We ARE set apart...holy.

You know what is worshipful to God?

Sincere human creation of worship. Our sharing in our roles as creators with Him in a faithful way. Not ruining an otherwise okay song by shoving Jesus down it's throat. Trust me, when Ms. MacLachlan finished writing "In the Arms of the Angel" , God wasn't wishing that she had written it about Him instead of her crack addict friend. God moves us in our creation of worshipful acts. But...hiding behind this truth I have just stated after you have tweaked a song "for Jesus" is wrong on several levels.

And I know that most of the ancient Hymns we sing today in Church were just Christian prose set to Secular music of that period. That's one thing. But, these secular arrangements didn't have words to begin with as does our song in question. They were simply popular arrangements of music. AND THEY WEREN'T COPYWRIGHTED. In fact they were incomplete until the prose was later added. God used one person for the Truth and another for the beauty in these instances...But in Sarah's case, she, in her mind, completed both of those tasks with just herself. She wrote the music and she wrote the words. The music suits the words and vice versa. She FELT the WORDS SHE WROTE and that's why the music creates the mood that it does. If Ms. MacLachlan had intended to write a song to God...she would have.

And get this....

We wouldn't have to "tweak" it for our "Church Time Ears".

Please, leave artist's work as it was originally intended. Especially secular society's. This doesn't mean do not concern yourself with it. I encourage Christians to appreciate Secular art. Appreciate the stuff they get right. Learn from the stuff they don't as to guard your heart from it. But, don't ever feel as if though your faith in Christ means that your love songs aren't as good as their love songs. If in Christ we can truly do all things, don't you think original worship falls under this?

Ponder this:

Why in Christian society do we make every attempt possible to condemn the world and seperate ourselves from secular society, (radio,Music industry, TV, Magazines, Books, movies...etc.) yet within our own walls that we wear their costumes so well?


Just as a treat...here's a REAL worship song.


Feel free to love or hate on me for this...seriously I can take it.

Good Providence

Friday, June 24, 2005

This is What Happens When I Get Near Water

Hey everyone....

Got in a weird mood at the lake.

Surroundings inspire....

It's All Just a Joke... and a Sick One At That

There's a face in the moon tonight


I can't tell.

I can't tell if
he's crying or smiling,
confident or afraid,
(surrounded) or


And well,
I'm starting to think
that there's not a
telescope in business that could
help me
get a better look.

'Cause it's all too close anyway...

and I haven't had a focus for a while now.

So in response to all the
constructing my stupid life,
I'm beginning to question...

whether or not there's any use in looking up.

My neck is killing me
and I'm just
to find some unsuspecting
to pen
all this
(pent up)
pain to.

And when it goes down
(and it will)
I'm sorry,
but I can't promise that
I'll remember that
one bullet
should do the trick...

would be better off if...

they just left this mess alone.

(alot of good ideas can still mean the
bloody end of the best intentions
you could've hoped for.)

...I know...

you want to make this better.

But you know...
maybe I get a kick out of making it worse.

The shovel dulled a while ago.
But I keep convincing myself
that the
isn't big enough.

(you see)
I've got big plans
and even bigger expectations
for a suffocation
........the surface..........

of all that I'm afraid of.

This is one party you definately wanna
consider (me)
tossing the invite to.

(the r.s.v.p. is a waste of pretty paper....)

and I'm the one you should hate for that.


I'm the one to hate.

You see, wierd mood....

Anyway, hollaback...


You too Gwen Steffani.

Even if you aren't.

Good Providence

Friday, June 17, 2005

Thinking Out Frowns

Try to imagine...
the shrillest noise you've ever heard.

That noise that made you sit upright in your seat or...
curl up your toes to your ankles.

(Didn't think it was possible, huh?)

Got it?


Now forget it.

Becuase it's non-existent now.
(That's right. Over.)

Go ahead.
Can't huh?

It just keeps ringing and ringing and ringing in your head.

Trying to forget it is now becoming more painful and more scary than hearing it for the first time.

your ears become numb and you think you're ok again.


It's only the roar of conversation around you.
-That's what numbs you.

Not the non-stop ringing.

It's resiliant, sure.

But not enough to callus you over.

Only stagnation numbs.
Quite frankly...that's up to you.)
It takes away feeling; senses.

So that the next emotion you feel
comes through more like an ice pick through the heart.

(Bleed it dry.)





(Walls will fall before the ceiling ever cracks.)

Alright- Alright...




Or night?

Does it even matter anymore?

I mean come on, since when did we really care?

I'll take the stars.
Strength in numbers.

(Any kind of strength will do.)


stars occasionally fall.

Going up to the lake as soon as Nick gets to my house.

Everyone leave me hellos....and comments.

If you haven't read the last 2 posts I did.

Much Love.

Good Providence

Thursday, June 16, 2005

This Used to Be In Comments of My Last Blog But It Got Really Long (for a comment anyway) So I Figured What the Heck and Made It A Blog

In regards to my last post (for Mike)....

Well, it simply started out as me wanting to talk to God in a way I hadn't done before. I was reading in the Psalms and started to think about the form that they take: usually the Psalmist is experiencing some kind of worldly torment in which he laments to the Lord about describing His trouble and weakness to a God whom he longs to obey but can't seem to. This leads to a frustration and all out questioning of the way God is directing his life which ultimately leads to a complete change in attitude in regards to the emotional state of the work. The Psalmist then begins to praise God!....In short I find the Psalms messy...incredibly messy. Very much like the human being. Which is why I believe we should read them more because you can guarantee that there's one in there you're going to relate to...and that's the point of prose and writing right? To put an end to lonliness? Of course right....Anywho. The night I wrote it I had stumbled (as you do) and fallen flat on my face in disobedience and desided to take it all out on a piece of paper. The progression is really simple:

1. A call to the Lord to help me get my words right and think clearly as I speak to Him.
2. A call asking Him to hear my ranting.
3. Forgive me for what I have done and for all the stupid stuff I'm about to say to try to understand what's going on...this is the purpose.
4. Many things alluding to how different I am from God...but then finding more things that make me feel very close to Him...related even...like a son...
5. Cain and Abel thing literally just kinda popped into my head and I went from there on it. Cause I started to feel the comfort of being related to God then remembered that Abel was literally like his actual grandkid...
6.Tired of being sinful and phony. Tired of saying I'm sorry.
7. Praise...for happiness
8. I want to be happy with what I have to do in life which is be still...The funny thing is I want to be still but I also want to run...while missing the point that life is a little bit of both of those.
9. Cycles are resiliant is very important....I leave that to you all...It's what makes the whole thing worth reading...

So there's a little light shed on that.

Hope it was helpful and oh yeah....



presents presents presents presents presents....

Good Providence

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Hear my plea O Lord!

Look and see the helpless speck
that is I,
on my knees,
with the same ugly words
on the tip of my dry tongue
hiding behind parched lips.


Quench my heart's lust for this world!
Satiate this hunger that burns as

Gehenna yells.

Lost are my promises to you...

are my hopes of self-preservation.


It is You.

"I am undone..."

I echo...
(you are still)

I run...
(you are still)

I fall...
(...you are still...)

...I tremble
(You are still!!!!)


You are still.

I am still.

We are...


Related as related gets.

Related in the sense that
blood doesn't mean a thing.

(Unless it is shed.)

Related in the sense that You are in my head.

(How can I escape?)

Related in the sense that You made
these bones,
this mind,
these hands,

They're "Yours"...RIGHT?!?!

(You always wait for the fun part of the roller coaster to make me nauseous...)

You know...

Cain was related to Abel.

And..haha...we all saw how that went down.

Cause You told us!

Someone actually obeyed you.

And You..."...did him a favor..."?

must have been kinda lonely for Abel.
Seeing as how he was numero


Quiet bus ride home.

(plenty of seats though)

And Cain...


So what's Your point?

I don't know if I'm ready to let go.

You know?



I talk and I talk
to somehow get a clue of how much

You really love me.



The only


How long am I to be tempted?
How long am I to concede?

(excuse me for asking)
but just
How much more can You take of my fake tears?!

Don't You get it?!


(just between you and me...if half of these people knew what lurked underneath this pretty shirt...they'd hate me for it...)

I'm in way too deep now.




too late.

The only consistent thing about me
is my lying.


My inconsistency.

"It was my fault."
"It was my bad."
"I'm sorry."


just wipe me out...


"Enough about me..."

(he said)

So what about You?


You are light.
Surrounded by darkness yet,
knows it not.

You are the moon.
Night's stranger.
You are the author
of me.

Of them.

Of stars that sing to me.
Of breeze that comforts me.
Of wind that causes me to shiver...
and of flame that warms me...

so that I may shiver again...

You're the glance she gives me
whenever we pass one another.
You're that feeling I get when she laughs at me.


When she laughs.

The way she walks is nothing short of grace.

and the way her hair gets stuck to my lips...

and...and her hair...


But You know all of this.

You know me better than I think I don't.

what do I need?

Want is obvious.

That's Peace.

I mean...
I just want for once to be able to stand s....



I'm tired.

I'm tired of running.
Tired of falling.
Tired of running so far
only to fall so hard
to find that it was the ground
not the yellow tape that broke...

my fall.

(Cycles are resiliant.)

But what about thier elements?

I need bigger lungs.


I fall alot.

and...mostly cause I'm tired.

" (Cycles are resiliant.) "


I wanna be still.



It's funny...

Everytime I fall...

I don't know why...


I want nothing more than to run again.


Is it tact?

...(are we back to that again?)

I know I know...

"Cycles, Resilliant..."

Good Providence

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

In Motion

Hey everyone.

Just picked up ANOTHER great CD today...

I know I know, seems like I've been getting them like everyday...that's becuase I have!!!

I picked up a band named Copeland's new disk today. It's called: In Motion. I first heard of them through this guy I met at Alabama on orientation day. He was really into everything I like (Emery, TBS, DC, SoCo, Eisley, Wilco...countless others...we talked for an hour(s).

It's really hard to describe their style. They are Emo but a very diverse Emo. They can rock and at times are very reminiscent of Emery. But they can also croon sweet,melodic, and heartfelt ballads very very reminiscent of Eisley/Keane... that make me want to cry. (Brianna was right...Copeland and Eisley should definately due a collaboration.)

The album also came with an EP of a live acoustic show they did which also is very good.

I HIGHLY reccomend Copeland. Just plain B-E-A Yootiful.

GO BUY IT!!!!!

Oh yeah,

and the Winnie the Pooh Heffalump movie is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy One-Month Anniversary Brianna...

Good Providence

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I Just Emerged "From Under the Cork Tree" or Wayne's Parents Aren't Going to Be at His House For Like Two Weeks!!!

Hey everyone.

Hope every one is doing well...I am.

My rents just went out of town Saturday morning for Pittsburgh to see my fam up there. I couldn't go because strangely there's lots of cool stuff going on here in Dothan...(weird)

Oh yeah....

They'll be gone for two weeks.

Party at Way...


Anyway, so I got to Wal*Mart today to buy my groceries and other necessities, and I finally broke down and bought the new Fall Out Boy album.

Good decision.


Great Lyrics+Sweet Music= From Under the Cork Tree.

It's seriously very good.

I need a job....help would be appreciated.

Good Providence