Thursday, January 31, 2008

Republican Debate at the Reagan Library

Last night I watched the Republican Debate from the Reagan Library on CNN.


While there were four candidates, CNN obviously thought two didn't really matter much and decided to give Arizona Sen. John McCain and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney a 1 hour 30 minute outlet to bicker with each other.

Meanwhile, our country falls deeper into recession. But I digress.

I counted while watching and Texas Rep. Ron Paul had no more than 4 opportunities to speak during the entire thing. Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee to Paul's right had maybe two more opportunities.

However, even though Paul definitely had the least time to speak, he still managed to come out looking better than both the smirk riddled jerks to his left. 

Here are the highlights from Ron Paul's side last night:

Hopefully enough American voters saw this last night to realize the top two candidates in this race are full of themselves and not very many good ideas.

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