Thursday, February 24, 2005

A New Hope?

Hi and welcome to The Fry. Yes, I did name this space the French Fry Filosophy and yes, I do know that's not how you spell philosophy. You spell it how I just did. I'm not completely out of touch. Why did I name this space what it is? I don't know. To tell you the truth I was sitting at school during lunch when I was creating this and my homeroom teacher (Mrs. Compton) was eating French fries. So there you have it. In the words of Dave Matthews, "About as creative as the Dave Matthews Band."
First things first. A little history. I am currently 18 years old and a senior in high school. I do the learning thing at a little place I call Providence Christian School. Other people call it that too, but only because it's catchy. Providence is located in a little city in southeast Alabama called Dothan, and I live in an even smaller city outside Dothan called Midland City. I would really encourage you to find it on a map site like MapQuest. It's quite thrilling to see that there is recorded evidence of the existence of a town so small. I'm a pretty normal guy, (I am a guy by the way), I play goalie for our school soccer team, love music, love conversation, and love my GMC Jimmy. I play guitar and my friends and I fiddle around with the band idea. We just don't really have the time.
I began this blog site when I found out that I could do so for free. I have always wanted to do something like this but didn't want to pay for it. The reason I started it lies solely on one man: my old english teacher Mr. Smith. I came to Providence in 10th grade from a county public school. It was that year that Mr. Smith would open my eyes to the beauty that lies within creation. I would really accredit him with what C.S. Lewis said of one of his good friends, A.K. Hamilton Jenkin: " He continued... My education as a seeing, listening, smelling,receptive creature... [He] seemed to enjoy everything; even ugliness. I learned from him that we should attempt a total surrender to whatever atmosphere was offering itself at that moment; in a squalid town to seek out those very places where its squalor rose to grimness and almost grandeur, on a dismal and dripping wood, on a windy day to seek the windiest ridge. There was no Betjemmannic irony about it; only a serious, yet gleeful, determination to rub one's nose in the quiddity of each thing, to rejoice in its being ( so magnificently) what it was." Mr. Smith taught me what good art was. What it looked like, what it sounded like, its beautiful aroma. Most importantly he taught me how to love it. This appreciation is aesthetic sensibility. It encompasses my days and serenades me at night. I look for the art of God in all that I see. But knowing just to look is the hardest part. He got me there and I'm thankful for it. He taught me how to teach myself through looking at the lessons that surround us in all art.
So, in continuing my education of myself, I have begun this blog. Plan to expect a little bit of everything. There are times that I will attempt to tie a chain of thoughts together. Do not be disappointed if I come from left field with another. My brain clicks at a thousand RTMs (random thoughts a minute) when I'm excited about a discovery. There will be entries on all kinds of art: poems, criticisms, fiction, music, magazines, movies,etc. Along with these entries there will also be journal-type entries on my day, my own brand of social commentary and the art of love, and my own little poems and writings. This space is the battle ground where I fight to keep my brain and heart connected. When torn apart they are poison to the soul.
This space is dedicated to beauty. For without beauty we would never know the color of Truth's eyes.

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