Thursday, June 16, 2005

This Used to Be In Comments of My Last Blog But It Got Really Long (for a comment anyway) So I Figured What the Heck and Made It A Blog

In regards to my last post (for Mike)....

Well, it simply started out as me wanting to talk to God in a way I hadn't done before. I was reading in the Psalms and started to think about the form that they take: usually the Psalmist is experiencing some kind of worldly torment in which he laments to the Lord about describing His trouble and weakness to a God whom he longs to obey but can't seem to. This leads to a frustration and all out questioning of the way God is directing his life which ultimately leads to a complete change in attitude in regards to the emotional state of the work. The Psalmist then begins to praise God!....In short I find the Psalms messy...incredibly messy. Very much like the human being. Which is why I believe we should read them more because you can guarantee that there's one in there you're going to relate to...and that's the point of prose and writing right? To put an end to lonliness? Of course right....Anywho. The night I wrote it I had stumbled (as you do) and fallen flat on my face in disobedience and desided to take it all out on a piece of paper. The progression is really simple:

1. A call to the Lord to help me get my words right and think clearly as I speak to Him.
2. A call asking Him to hear my ranting.
3. Forgive me for what I have done and for all the stupid stuff I'm about to say to try to understand what's going on...this is the purpose.
4. Many things alluding to how different I am from God...but then finding more things that make me feel very close to Him...related a son...
5. Cain and Abel thing literally just kinda popped into my head and I went from there on it. Cause I started to feel the comfort of being related to God then remembered that Abel was literally like his actual grandkid...
6.Tired of being sinful and phony. Tired of saying I'm sorry.
7. Praise...for happiness
8. I want to be happy with what I have to do in life which is be still...The funny thing is I want to be still but I also want to run...while missing the point that life is a little bit of both of those.
9. Cycles are resiliant is very important....I leave that to you all...It's what makes the whole thing worth reading...

So there's a little light shed on that.

Hope it was helpful and oh yeah....



presents presents presents presents presents....

Good Providence


matthew said...

thanks for the explanation. I like mike, love to hear explanations form the writer himself.

Brianna said...

Presents are awesome....and thank you for everything. Thank you Deuce.