Thursday, May 05, 2005

Remember Me? My name is Wayne...and I love Emery.

Hey everyone. I realize I havent posted in a few days and I'm sorry. But I also realize that I post way more than alot of other people I know and they know who they are... anyway here's some really good stuff from my new favorite band Emery. They hold it down like you couldn't believe.
Here's a taste:

"The Ponytail Parades"

Three sleepless nights,
this isn't how its supposed to be.
But you are so good at taking your time to get back to me.

I will wait for you forever, if you would just ask me.
I thought that I could change you.
But you changed me.

But it doesn't feel right,
holding someone else's hand.

Together on phone lines,
and living at two opposite ends.

It scares me to think,
that you could find takers...
other than me...

and better than me.

But you're head is elsewhere,
and I’m talking enough for both of us.
When will you see it's not
(it’s not)
so easy for me.
You’re careless,
and whispered,
and bruising.

And I thought that you said things were improving.

These laces are untied,but my feet are still walking away.
(I fall from you eyes, your eyes I trusted, you said forever)
I never thought that you could say these words.
Is this really happening?

(Don't say that we can still be friends)

Erase my name from this page.
How can you take all these days
(What is inside of me what have I done?)
and throw them away
(Is this the only way that you will notice me?)
as I sit here waiting for you.
(for you)

(Dead words for closed ears all this is sung for you)
I stay up nights
(If you are still pretending this is what's right)
until stars leave the sky
(Why cant you look at me can you only see?)
knowing what my dreams can take away
(Sides, your side, can take away)
Walk away from me.

This night is done.

This is such a beautiful song and if you want to hear it go to and there's this little line at the bottom of the screen with the numbers one through ten where you can hear their entire cd: the weak's end. Just click over to number 2 for this little ditty.

Well, I suppose that's it for today. I'll have to do something special for me leaving for the cruise in a few days so you will all have something to read when I'm in Cozumel. Anyway, thanks for stopping by again.

Good Providence


Anonymous said...

Were would you find the "Emery" cd?

Anonymous said...

Were would you find the "Emery" cd?

Wayne Grayson said...

please leave a name! I'd appreciate it.... :)

Anonymous said...

sorry, I was the one who asked were you would find it.
~ Catherine