Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Epitome of a Constant State of Confusion: Episode 3

Hey guys. Hope this post finds you all well. Shout out to Brianna and Nichole tonight for thier softball win at Westgate! You girls rocked the house!

Well, I promised the next installment to the poem it is!!!

The Epitome of a Constant State of Confusion

Part 3


Now I want your honest opinion.
Do you really think we're almost there?
'Cause you never said you saw a light.
Or maybe you did...
(I probably wasn't listening...)


I was...
you didn't say it.
'Cause no one ever talks about the light.
(Even when it's all around them.)

We have this school-boy infatuation with dark.
We see sun's setting as a cloak.
But that cloak gets hot...
So, you pray and pray for light.



When all along... you deserve neither.

So Get Mad!
Kick and scream!
Act like it's killing you to be here.
"If we could only just..."
"If they would only let us just..."

Grow up.

Well, there you have it. That's part three. Hope this is still to you guys' liking. Thanks again for stopping by. Cruise in 16 days!!!!


Anonymous said...

thanks...can't wait till part 3...hurry w/ it ...i'm anxious to read it! i love your poems!

Brianna said...

Thanks the Lord for the cruise. After everything we've been through, we need this break. Great writing but I'm sure you already knew that. Don't know how much my opinion matters though, you know what everyone thinks of me. See you at school. Go easy on my blogsite.