Saturday, April 23, 2005

Epitome of a Constant State of Confusion: Episode 4

Greetings to you on this lovely morning of April 23! It's about 1:14 in the am and I was just pulled over by the fuzz on my way home from Headland... I know what you're thinking..."Well, I didn't know Wayne drove recklessly." Wrong, I was actually doing 40 in a 65 and was stopped for my tag light being out. So no ticket but a really nice deputy instead. The most interesting part of the stop was when I was asked if I had any weapons or drugs in the car. You can be assured that there were plenty...

Anyway, the last piece to Epitome...(tear)...

The Epitome of a Constant State of Confusion

Part 4

And what to say about this car wreck called love?
Did you really see it happen?
Or is your heart still in your chest?

Chances are, your eyes were closed
And all you felt was the breeze of chaos
As the air broke you in half.
Invisible but sharp.
It broke you while it passed.

The things that cloud our eyes sometimes,
are the clearest things we see.

I think we want too much right now.
Remember not to breathe.

So this is how it always feels
when we don't get what we always wanted.
I really thought it was a need.

(Nothing's ever free.)

I'm finally up and off my knees...
stumbling; but reassured.

Are you coming?


It's just,....

You used to walk really close to me.

Well, there you have it folks! Epitome is now complete and I welcome your comments! They are greatly appreciated!

Oh yeah! I saw the remake of The Ammityville Horror tonight....scary stuff. No joke. Freaked me out real good. It was very well done and the guy who played Van Wilder starred in it and was an awesome psychopath! Seriously, he acts well in this movie! Reccomended for a fun watch.

Anyway, soccer games at eleven and 4 today, then band practice! Fun times! Full day!

Good Providence


Anonymous said...

i think this was my favorite part to the "Epitome of a Constant State of Confusion." yeh i got to bed at like 2 this mornin! hope you do well in your parents just left for it but i am staing home from the first one so i can finish my paper! you did an awesome job on your thesis by the way...don't know if i ever told you that! anyhoot, reckon i oughta be workin on my paper so i'm gonna go now! have a good day and may God bless you! Love ya, ~M~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Wayne!!
Dang, that's pretty good writin' you got there! I like it, a lot. Hope ya'll did well at the soccer games today. See ya Monday! Catherine

Anonymous said...

Hey, Wayne! Awesome poem. Are you sure you're ready for soccer to be over tho? It's our last soccer season that we'll play together in high school. Anyways ttyl. love ya man.